Sunday, July 14

The Bottom of My Gym Bag

So today I started "packing" for our road trip. It's two weeks away but I need to know what I need to buy, having an expanding balloon belly makes fitting into all those old jeans a bit difficult. I was looking for my swim suit that I still can't seem to find; the most likely place I could think of was my gym bag. I'll be honest I haven't been to the gym in like 2 weeks either 1. I'm feel sick and throwing up again or 2. I'm just to lazy to roll myself out of bed for the cycling class in the morning.

So I pulled my gym bag out from amongst my pile of shoes and went looking. Out came a towel, a change of clothes and a hair band. All normal gym things. Then I got to the bottom. A few things didn't surprise me much...

Hair things. What girl doesn't need a variaty of hair things at the gym. Okay maybe the ones with the short cropped hair but my husband might cry if I chopped of my hair and I cannot handle a grown man crying. Also a grimy pair of socks and a sports bra. Plus tampons, I haven't had a period in 4 months why are those still in my bag?

Mini waterless toothbrushes. I think I have at least on of these in every bag/purse I own. They are amazing and life savers. 

 My GoGo Squeeze Apple Sauce. Again not a big surprise but how long has it been in there? It is summer and I know my bag has sat in the car for a few days. Maybe I won't eat this one...
A hair bow. I have worn this for years. I stole it from my sister's Snow White costume after she grew out of it when she was 6. I have been looking for it, have no idea how it got in my gym bag. The last time I remember wearing it was my 21st birthday (a year ago February). 
Midnight showing of Star Trek. Knowing me this isn't that surprising. However being in my gym bag confuses me.
What I'm really going to need at the gym, a Chemistry note card. Need to remember that stoichiometry when I'm doing my yoga. Plus who wants to forget Avogadro's number in the middle of squats. 

My favorite by far was a little unhealthy reminder that, "Things just got real." Thank you gym bag.

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