Friday, February 28

Are We Being Moved?

I am taking a fiction writing class this semester and there was a discussion on the climax of the character, the moment of the epiphany.

There were two view points in this class:

The first is that people are essentially set in our ways. That we receive the ah ha moment that has been given to us and then moments later we turn away and revert back to out old ways, and even more so our old ways of thinking. We don’t take the epiphany and let it change us. The idea was that unless we had someone with a gun to our heads at ever moment of our lives we would never change. Even then it was brought up that we may in the end become used to the gun and start to tune it out and continue in our old lives.

The second idea was that epiphany was such a spiritual experience that it would change the very essence of who we are. We would see our lives, ourselves in a completely new light. The idea that epiphany would change us so radically that we could not go back to what we once were.
It got me thinking about the epiphany God gives us. For those of us whom God has revealed Himself to us though His son Jesus Christ and have allowed His truth to take root in our hearts, we have seen an epiphany that, hopefully, has changed us radically. We are new creations. But does it stop there?
It was asked of my class which of the views was more realistic. On the whole most people said that the first view was more realistic. That your life and your view on life does not simply change because of a moment. And for the majority of people I would agree. A lot of people who do not know Christ or do not allow the Holy Spirit to move in their lives become stagnate, set in their ways. They have revelations and moments that call them to a point of turning but then days go by and they again return to their old habits.

For example a man may be a heavy partier and a heavy drinker and it is having an effect on his life and his family. One day he spirals, finds himself waking up in his own vomit after a abusive fight with his wife. For a brief moment he sees the depravity of his life and he sees that he needs help desperately. So he joins a human centered program. For months he’s clean. However either through time, compromise or a tragedy he is thrown back into his old drinking habit. Now this may not be the case for everyone who joins a rehab program or decides to change. However I would says this is the majority of people. It may not be as extreme as this example but it still stands as Proverbs 26:11 states and again 2 Peter 2:22, “As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.”
In our human nature which is wicked (Jeremiah 17:9) we will continue to do the things that destroy us and without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we cannot control this habitual circle of destruction.
As Christians we know this, we know that apart from God we can do anything truly good and nothing good dwells in us (Romans 7:18). But how often do we allow God to move us? How often do we actually allow the Holy Spirit to change us even in our walk with Christ? After a time do we merely revert back to our old man or are we truly allowing God to change us from glory to greater glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).

As Christians have we grown stagnant in our walk with Christ?

Epiphany, revelation, vision, moving upon our hearts; all these encompass the same idea of God speaking to us. God still speaks to His children. The first question we must ask ourselves is do we hear God’s voice?

In the imagery was brought up that we would not change unless a gun was held to our head every moment of every day and yet after a while we would become numb. When we are new believers we may have God prompting us daily and even moment by moment because we have become such a detriment to ourselves and are so prone to turn back to our own ways. However as we become accustom to the prompting of the Spirit even if it is not moment by moment do we start to become numb. Something that so moved us when we first got saved, that fire that once stirred us to do great things for the Lord has grown cold. Or when we are like Jeremiah and say no more I will not speak the truth of God are we so compelled within ourselves, “Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name. But His Word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.”

Do we allow God to change our hearts? As Christians we should not view the first view on epiphany as the norm. We should be so moved by God that it radically changes us.

Will this happen every time? No. Even Paul struggled to not return to his old man, to his flesh, to his old habits (Romans 7). Nor should we try to accomplish God’s will in our own strength, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).
I have been burdened this week with those believers that once were so on fire for God but now have forgotten the movement that God spoke into their lives. They no longer strive in the race for their souls but have given up and become stagnant pew dwellers. The epiphany of God is not changing them for good.

The seed falls on four types of ground:

  1. It is picked up by Satan and does not even take root.
  2. It is shallow and is dried up when the sun beats down upon it. The Word God gives us is only shallowly taken in by our hearts and when trouble befalls us we simple allow God’s Word to shrivel up and die.
  3. It is choked out by the the thorns. The cares of this world and this life consume us so that we no longer give priority to God. 
  4. Or do we allow God to speak to us and take his word to heart allowing Him to actually change us.
None of us will be perfected this side of heaven but we are called to be moved and to grow. Why then do we stunt ourselves by ignoring or digging our heels in against God. How long will God strive with us? If we as believers think that God will not call us on being stagnant in our walk look at the last church in Revelation, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” We are called to something greater than remaining in our old ways and doing things for ourselves. Brothers and sisters are you heeding and being moved by the epiphany God has for you?       
Thursday, July 25 0 annotations

My Romantic Hubby

My husband has been really good at being romantic lately. He sat through the entire Pride and Prejudice mini series (the Colin Firth version). The other day I took him to get his hair cut where I got mine done as well. While I was still getting my hair done he went to "run errands". He went to the store to get me flowers and a doughnut. Actually he got me two doughnuts, one glazed and the other chocolate with half sprinkles. He knows I love glazed and chocolate but hate sprinkles. He wanted to split the last doughnut because he already had one. How sweet.... I'll take it. Just wanted to brag about my husband.

On the other hand I asked him if he would still love me if I lost my arms and legs. His response, "Yes, our relationship wouldn't be the same. I would stick you in the pool and call you Bob."

I am going to have to start writing down the oh so romantic things he says.
Sunday, July 14 0 annotations

The Bottom of My Gym Bag

So today I started "packing" for our road trip. It's two weeks away but I need to know what I need to buy, having an expanding balloon belly makes fitting into all those old jeans a bit difficult. I was looking for my swim suit that I still can't seem to find; the most likely place I could think of was my gym bag. I'll be honest I haven't been to the gym in like 2 weeks either 1. I'm feel sick and throwing up again or 2. I'm just to lazy to roll myself out of bed for the cycling class in the morning.

So I pulled my gym bag out from amongst my pile of shoes and went looking. Out came a towel, a change of clothes and a hair band. All normal gym things. Then I got to the bottom. A few things didn't surprise me much...

Hair things. What girl doesn't need a variaty of hair things at the gym. Okay maybe the ones with the short cropped hair but my husband might cry if I chopped of my hair and I cannot handle a grown man crying. Also a grimy pair of socks and a sports bra. Plus tampons, I haven't had a period in 4 months why are those still in my bag?

Mini waterless toothbrushes. I think I have at least on of these in every bag/purse I own. They are amazing and life savers. 

 My GoGo Squeeze Apple Sauce. Again not a big surprise but how long has it been in there? It is summer and I know my bag has sat in the car for a few days. Maybe I won't eat this one...
A hair bow. I have worn this for years. I stole it from my sister's Snow White costume after she grew out of it when she was 6. I have been looking for it, have no idea how it got in my gym bag. The last time I remember wearing it was my 21st birthday (a year ago February). 
Midnight showing of Star Trek. Knowing me this isn't that surprising. However being in my gym bag confuses me.
What I'm really going to need at the gym, a Chemistry note card. Need to remember that stoichiometry when I'm doing my yoga. Plus who wants to forget Avogadro's number in the middle of squats. 

My favorite by far was a little unhealthy reminder that, "Things just got real." Thank you gym bag.

Tuesday, July 9 0 annotations

Fashion that Fits Me (and the baby)

Baby Shower Dress from More Me
So after my little rant on the awful maxi dress, I did a little searching. Putting in Retro Maternity I found a few really great dresses. I was sent at a webpage I love when I'm not sporting a basketball belly. If you haven't been to it yet ModCloth does vintage/retro clothing. I have gotten a dress(not prego) from them before and loved it. Every time I visit their site I fall in love with a (or 50) new dress (or shirt, or skirt, or shoes, or.....). I typed in maternity and low and behold they have a bunch of dresses a bit more reasonably priced than A Pea in the Pod   which has some adorable dresses but as I have said before I can't stand spending that kind of money on a dress I may wear once to a moderately special occasion (I think I spent $20 on a cocktail dress for my husband's company Christmas Party that I have worn numerous times). What is really sad is that if this was a pair of shoes I think I would have no problem putting down $150 even if I wore them one night.  

I really loved The Baby Shower Dress from More of Me Maternity. Which comes in Blue and Pink depending on the gender of the baby. Super cute! The style is really great too. Not to mention the cut and length suits me well. On the down side on sale it is $99, not bad but regular priced $198. What is to guarantee I have a boy/girl ever again. However looking at it I think I could make it work pregnant or not. Still I think my husband might go catatonic if I spent his performance chip money for our diesel on a single dress. 

On Modcloth I found dress on their From Here to Maternity line. (also the Belles and Whistles Dress is fabulous)
Something Blue Dress - Mid-length, Solid, Ruffles, Empire, Cap Sleeves, Wedding, Vintage Inspired, Blue, Pastel, Sheer, High-Low Hem, V Neck, Daytime Party, Prom, Bridesmaid
Something Blue
Perfectly Curated Dress
My hesitancy with these is they don't look like they would actually fit especially during the later weeks of my pregnancy though definitely afterward so that's a plus but I also wouldn't be spending terribly much for a dress that might have to wait till baby is out. The last page I found that I loved was Shabby Apple's mama apple. Exactly what I was looking for. Still in the upper range for some of them but not over my $100 limit for the wedding. Some of them would also definitely work for wearing after baby. So now I have options to mull over.

As a side note apologies to those of you who can wear those maxi dresses, though you probably are people who wish your counter tops were higher (I don't, I need them lower). 
0 annotations

Maxed out on Maternity Shopping

I am having the hardest time shopping for clothes being pregnant. For some reason when I was younger that all the Pregnancy clothes were super cute. I couldn't wait to be pregnant so I could wear girly cut clothes. However upon entering my second trimester I have had the worst time buying clothing. It wouldn't matter so much if I could stay home in my yoga pants and tank top. Unfortunately this is not possible. I have a wedding to go to where my husband is a groomsman so I kinda have to wear something presentable. Also going on a road trip to see extended family that will make their judgements; plus I am making Kyle take me to Seattle and I don't want to look frumpy at dinner at the Space Needle.

My biggest peeve of all of the maternity clothes is the ridiculous Maxi-dress. What person invented this tent! They must be stoned and ridiculed in the streets. Seriously people, I am 5'2". I cannot wear one of these even in my third trimester without tripping over 6-10" of fabric. I don't know who these Amazonian women are who can wear these horrid things but why can't they wear normal sized dresses and have them a little shorter. With the Maxi dress length any woman that could fit into one length wise would have a knee high dress with one that went to my ankles.

In my frustration I ranted to my husband. He is also baffled by these dresses. News flash, men HATE Maxi-dresses too.  If you aren't pregnant you will look pregnant sporting on of these. If you are pregnant you look fat (truth hurts). Trust me I recently have seen both.

I'm begging you fashion industry please make cute clothes for women! Other people can wear your other junk you have now but I'm a woman and I would like to look like one not a dude, not a hooker, not a spring break Mardi Gras girl, not a polyester grandma, not a frumpy high school girl self conscience about her body. A real woman. Remember fashion icon Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Grace Kelly, Katharine Hepburn?

On a less bitter note, I did find an adorable
dress at Ross for $7. Cotton T-shirt material
 super cute that doesn't show every lump and bump
(problem in my 2nd trimester, I look like I'm
developing a beer gut rather than a baby belly still.
Partially because I don't have an actual belly button
but a long scar, due to a birth defect.) High waist-ed
with an A-line skirt. While I don't typically
wear stripes this dress really worked. Horizontal
stripes up-top to emphasizing my two best pregnancy
attributes with vertical stripes on the skirt to elongate the rest of me. Of course mine doesn't have sleeves. I actually got several dresses/skirts in the regular dress racks at Ross. Basically if your looking for casual maternity clothes look no further than clearance racks or discount stores (honestly why pay full price on something I may not wear again). However I am still trying to find formal dresses that I don't need to spend over $100 for (I won't pay that much for dress I may wear once unless I'm in a wedding) or look like blob. Oh well, the search still continues.       
Sunday, July 7 0 annotations

Craziness at the O'Neill House

So in April my husband and I found out we were having a baby. Not that I don't need another thing on my plate. We also adopted another dog (actually he adopted us found him on our door step) that makes three dogs. But none the less I'm still going to school and working on my house.

We started a huge remodel because we found mold in our bathroom a few months after we moved in.
(I fell through the shower wall) So all my decorations went into my craft room and I open that door and I look like a hoarder.  My plans for decoration consist of:

  • Living room ~ Orange and green in various shades. Bright and cheery with super white walls. I also happen to have a large window that has an alcove so I was considering painting various pots and putting them there so my dog will stop making "window art" with her wet nose.
  • Library ~ Black square shelves complimented by some paintings I got while in Zambia. Room will be "world traveler" themed. Kyle and I have a collection of things from the places we have been over the years that will fit nicely. I got the largest painting for $20 at a market its about 3x2 feet. I haven't gotten a picture of it in its new frame. I am going to use the darker burnt orange with beige for that room.
  • My dining room and kitchen has been stripped of all masculinity and has been grace by Audrey Hepburn. (Its okay I'll make up for it, my poor husband)
    • The bedroom is decorated in all my old wedding stuff. Blue and champagne, Parisian. Worked out really well because I bought drape fabric for the table clothes at my wedding for the purpose of making them drapes for my bedroom.  

      • Kyle's office is hunting lodge. Not sure how I want that to look.
      • Guest bathroom is in John Wayne (told you I would make up for the dining room) old west theme. My poster from my meet and greet with Josh Turner will be going in there (have I mentioned huge Josh Turner fan). 
      • Master bath extends the blue theme from the bedroom. However it is dark blue and masculine. I'm looking to put very square modern fixtures in. Got my tile all picked out too. Also putting faux wood that extends into the bedroom. 
      • Baby's room. Here is the one I'm super excited about! If its a boy it will be Doctor Who themed, yes Doctor Who. If its a girl I'm going with Degas Ballerinas. I am going to have way too much fun!
       I have to go help Kyle now. In his boredom he has decided to make his own vanilla coffee syrup. It is not going as planned. Oh well.  
Sunday, July 22 0 annotations

Crazy Busy

So its been a couple months since I blogged about anything. Part of that is we moved into our new house, got a new puppy, I got the flu, my garden died while I had the flu, I started working, got my class schedule worked out and cooked and cleaned and general mayhem. I'm going to post up some new stuff on the house. I will be starting a page on my once a month (which turns into every two to three months, happy day for me) cooking projects. Stay tuned.